[APTEC] Bi-Reagents, Mono-Reagents

등록일2024. 10. 23
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[APTEC] Bi-Reagents, Mono-Reagents

[APTEC] product

어스바이오는 APTEC 전문 취급점으로서 모든 제품을 전문적으로 취급 및 공급하고 있습니다.
APTEC의 제품을 소개드립니다.

[APTEC] Bi-Reagents

Bi- Reagents

Product Information:

  • Highly concentrated antibody solutions
  • High security range by eliminating Hook-effect
  • Long term stability
  • Excellent correlation with Nephelometry

Bi-Reagents for Turbidimetry:

Product list:

α1- Microglobulin α2- Macroglobulin Albumin Anti-streptolysin (O) Antithrombin III
APO A1 APO A2 APO B β2-Microglobulin C1 Esterase Inhibitor
Complement C3 Complement C4 Ceruloplasmin CRP CRP Ultra Sensitive
Cystatin C Ferritin Ultra Sensitive Fibrinogen Fibronectin Haptoglobin
Kappa Light Chain Lambda Light Chain Lipoprotein (a) Microalbumin Prealbumin

[APTEC] Mono-Reagents


Product Information:

  • Complete line of liquid-stable monoreagents for serum protein determination
  • Easily applicable on automated analysers
  • Precise results

Mono-Reagents for Turbidimetry:

Product list:

α1- Antitrypsin α1- Acid Glycoprotein α2- Macroglobulin Albumin Haptoglobin
APO A1 APO B APO B Complement C3 Complement C4
Ceruloplasmin IgA IgG IgM Transferrin

어스바이오(USBIO)는 APTEC 전문 취급점입니다.
해당 제품에 대한 문의나 APTEC 제품의 견적 또는 문의사항이 있으시면 아래로 연락주시기 바랍니다.
Tel : 02-862-2816 / email : bio@usbio.co.kr
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